Jeevasare Health Care


End Of Life

End Of Life

End of life care at home is often provided to those who are in the last days, months or years of their life. Many people choose if possible, to receive end of life care at home rather than in a hospice or hospital. At Jeevasare Health Care our aim when providing end of life care at home is to do our bit to help support you to live with dignity during their final days, weeks, and months of your life. We will ask you about your wishes and preferences, and then plan and deliver your care accordingly. Community nurses will usually visit you at home and will work closely with them. Your family and friends may be closely involved in caring for you too and we will help to support them also.

Palliative care is provided if you have an illness that cannot be cured. Its goal is to make you as comfortable as possible for example by managing pain. Palliative care is distinct from End-of-life care since some people may receive palliative care for some time prior to end-of-life care. Palliative care will often involve many healthcare professionals working together including your doctor, your nurses and perhaps care providers such as Jeevasare Health Care. End of life is considered to be when we are likely to die within the next 12 months.

End of Life care can often be provided at home. We can help support you with any equipment that you need to help you remain at home, this could include home adaptations, such as handrails or special beds to help avoid pressure sores or even setup ICU unit at your home.

Not everyone feels comfortable helping family or friends with personal care. It is in situations such as this that Jeevasare Health Care is often asked to help, and it is something that we are very used to supporting with in a dignified and respectful way.

Sometimes people live at home but visit a hospital during the day. In this situation Jeevasare Health Care are very happy to help support with overnight care.

Please do call us on 8747055999 if you would like to talk about how Jeevasare Health Care may be able to help.

Pallaitive Care