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Pregnancy Care & Post Delivery care

Pregnancy Care

Pregnancy is one great milestone in a woman's life. Certainly, anxiety could lead to a long questionnaire. Prenatal care is a preventive healthcare including regular medical checkups managing lifestyle, addition of supplements such as vitamins, iron and calcium which are very necessary for the babies healthy growth.

Our JEEVASARE staff will support you to cope with all this by being on your side. Helping you to prepare for your motherhood without compromising on your health, which is our main goal.

This support can be extended during your pregnancy and post natal care helping you with the care of your bundle of joy.

Post Delivery Care

The postpartum (or postnatal) period begins immediately after childbirth as the mother's body, including hormone levels and uterus size, returns to a non-pregnant state. The postnatal period is the most critical and yet the most neglected phase in the lives of mothers and babies.

The care during pregnancy is ought to be continued till the new mother regains her potential to lead a routine life. Helping the woman balance motherhood with healthy nutrition to herself as well as to the newborn. Importance of rest and sleep, personal hygiene perineal care, how to support breasts, educating on how to exclusively breastfeed, will always be a prime consideration for our utmost caring staff of Jeevasare.

Post Delivery care